Contributions Towards
Transfer of Technology
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Contribution Towards Transfer of Technology

Pioneer in:

Establishing the 1st Department of Neurosurgery Sponsored by the Government of West Pakistan in January    1964.

Introducing Stereotaxic Surgery first time in the Sub-Continent, December, 1965.
Cryosurgery in Pakistan, 1966.

Intensive Care and Operation Theater Monitoring. First electrically controlled operation table, by Plane    Angiography &   Myelography, 1968.

First Scinti Scanner for Body and Brain, 1969.

First CAT Scan for brain and total Body in Pakistan – 1981. This revolutionized the diagnostic facility in the    country   and provided an incentive to other institution in Karachi and Islamabad for obtaining this Technology    three years later.   This highly sophisticated and expensive equipment provided diagnostic services to all the    patients of Pakistan for a   period of three years and even today it is in working order.

Second last CAT SCAN for the Department of Neurosurgery, King Edward Medical College at Lahore General    Hospital   – Installed and commissioned in June, 1988.

First Modulus Germ free Airflow system Neurosurgery operation Theatre in July, 1988.

First Digital Neuro-Angiography in Pakistan – Installed and Commissioned in October, 1990.

Established "Institute of Neuro-Sciences" at Lahore General Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan.